April 2007
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£200m digital skills training scheme launched by UK government
Government funding is to be aimed at digital skills training across high-growth UK sectors including green energy and construction
Government & Public Sector
Semiconductor Advisory Panel launched to help steer government strategy
The new panel of industry experts aims to aid the government's National Semiconductor Strategy for decades to come
Government & Public Sector
Tech industry reacts to UK semiconductor strategy
The long-awaited UK semiconductor strategy, worth up to £1bn, has been met with criticism around a lack of ambition
Generative AI
Think tank calls for ‘Great British GPT’ to keep UK ahead in AI race
A report from UK think tank Onward has recommended that the UK develops a 'Great British GPT' tool to stay ahead in the global AI race
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Generative AI
How is AI transforming the insurtech sector?
AI is fighting customer frustrations and driving efficiency in insurtech, explains Nick Martindale, but it should augment, not replace, humans
Will more AI mean more cyberattacks?
An increased use of AI within organisations could spell a rise in cyberattacks, explains Nick Martindale. Here's what you can do
Generative AI
Biggest AI myths in customer experience
It is estimated that by 2026 over 80 per cent of organisations will use generative AI APIs, but there are a lot of myths about its potential, says CTO Robert Mansfield
Historical education bolstered by AI-powered digital human
A digital human modelled and trained on the writings of Luigi Einaudi has been released by the Einaudi Foundation and Reply.