AI & Machine Learning

Explainable AI: the future of AI

Data Analytics & Data Science

The balancing act of data mining ethics: the challenges of ethical data mining

Data Analytics & Data Science

A look at data analytics trends for 2019

Data Analytics & Data Science

A look at data analytics in the financial services industry: use cases and challenges

As global fraud continues to grow, data analytics is being used as the secret weapon of financial institutions. Yet there are still challenges ahead for data analytics in financial services. False positives have lead to banks blocking legitimate customer transactions.

AI & Machine Learning

AI and OCR: How optical character recognition is being revitalised

AI & Machine Learning

NLP to break down human communication: How AI platforms are using natural language processing

Many programs such as chatbots and virtual assistants are made possible through the use of natural language processing or NLP.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation churn: Why the digital transformation fail rate is so high

Digital Transformation

What are the key technologies for embracing digital transformation in 2019?

Immersive Technology

Predictions for 2019: Blockchain, AI and AR technology, Transitioning from unfamiliar entities into targeted solutions

Cloud & Edge Computing

Healthcare and edge computing: responsive healthcare

AI & Machine Learning

The CTOs guide to anomaly detection

AI & Machine Learning

Network and performance monitoring and how anomaly detection is keeping enterprises secure: