Register Today
12:30 – 14:00 (BST – British Standard Time)
12:30 – 12:35 – Information Age opening remarks
12:35 – 12:55 – Presentation: How to disrupt, innovate and stay ahead of the competition with Data transformation
- Data transformation has fast tracked from ‘buzzwords’ to essential for survival
- Driving value from your data and making it accessible across the organisation
- Highlighting the key data leadership traits needed to be effective and deliver ROI
- Case study examples of best practice companies
Speaker: Caroline Carruthers, Chief Executive, Carruthers and Jackson
13:00 – 13:35 – Panel Q&A: Overcoming the roadblocks for successful digital transformation
Our speakers are asked to share insight into their data transformation including what their challenges were and how they overcame them.
- Where are you with digital transformation?
- What challenge/s are you facing i.e. COVID-19; regulation and governance; identifying all data sources; and data quality
- What recommendations would you share with our data leaders?
- How should you prioritise which areas to approach first in regards to digital transformation?
- What next? How do we future proof processes and results?
- What’s next for you with analytics? Is deployment to cloud on your radar?
Moderator: Kyle Winterbottom, Founder and Managing Director, Orbition Group and Host, Driven by Data: The Podcast & The Roundtable
Chris Bowen, BI Strategy, Telefonica Digital
Lynn Pope, Head of Data and Analytics, Wesleyan
Asif Shaikh, Senior Solution Consultant, ibi
13:40 – 14:00 – PRESENTATION: Manage data better to improve business outcomes
- Understanding changes that may impact critical data elements and data quality
- How to stop the propagation of bad data across systems and lines of business
- How better data management supports business initiatives e.g. through MDM for better customer/supplier engagement, supporting AI/ML initiatives to identify business opportunity, more effective interactions with customers, et al.
- How to avoid roadblocks when creating an end-to-end data ecosystem
- Understanding how different teams work across the organization, to develop a data platform and bring the data to life in support of the business
Speaker: Asif Shaikh, Senior Solution Consultant, ibi
14:00 – Information Age closing remarks