Mobile web usage soars in the UK

The number of UK citizens that use their mobile phones to access the web grew by 25% between the second and third quarters of this year, according to new research from web market researcher Nielsen Online.

The research found that mobile web usage is concentrated among young people. Users aged between 18 and 25 constitute 25% of the UK’s mobile web audience; that age bracket represents just 16% of the total web audience.

It is reasonable to assume that the release of Apple’s web-enabled iPhone during the period in question contributed significantly to this statistic.

Meanwhile, mobile spam – unsolicited advertising text messages – also increased in the last year, according to research from comScore M:Metrics. A quarter of European mobile phone users said they had noticed an increase in mobile spam in the past 12 months.

Further reading

Mobile insecurity
Is the new wave of Internet-connected mobile devices carving out a gaping hole in enterprise security?

Mobile monitoring signals Keynote revival
Internet test and measurement provider returns to revenue growth on back of mobile web

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Pete Swabey

Pete Swabey

Pete was Editor of Information Age and head of technology research for Vitesse Media plc from 2005 to 2013, before moving on to be Senior Editor and then Editorial Director at The Economist Intelligence...

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