Hyper Agile: Speedy innovation is a must for survival

New technologies for large corporates continue to offer better agility than ever, but too many are still not embracing the kind of innovation that is needed to gain the vital edge – the kind that truly allows them to realise benefits quickly and effectively – Hyper Agile.

With smaller, newer and more agile competitors unburdened by legacy systems, larger organisations must now seek to make meaningful changes more quickly by investing in applications that allow them to stay ahead of the pack and deliver lower operating costs.

They simply cannot afford to retain costly, inflexible systems with hefty data usage while competitors move to real time, integrated and adaptable solutions.

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In business, those that survive and prosper as disruptors will undoubtedly be the most nimble organisations that develop a culture of innovation and can scale up or down the quickest in response to market requirements.

Essentially, the ability to anticipate change and quickly correct your course is separating the winners from the losers – digital disruption is occurring at every level, and bold strategies are required. It is imperative then for large corporates to understand where exactly the value lies and how fast they can adapt to future needs.

My organisation firmly believes that agile is now dead. Instead, it has given way to ‘Hyper Agile’ – and we can offer just such an approach for those looking to significantly increase their adaptive abilities.

Integrated Cloud Group is a small company in Glasgow with big ideas. We’ve started to see a major new development – of large corporates looking to realise more self-sufficiency and empowerment.

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We believe that legacy applications will increasingly be replaced by SaaS solutions that will be created by end users with little or no need for developers, huge testing teams, or complicated development methodologies.

In fact, a solution has already been honed here at Integrated Cloud Group, thus handing large corporates the capability to build bespoke software in the cloud in a really cost-effective way – and we are excited by how quickly we’ve arrived at that point.

We have been able to speed up the development life by creating a user-friendly interface called DNA UI which empowers small teams to conversely build very large software applications.

Effectively, we let the business experts decide how their functionality should be built, how it should look, and how it should navigate. Then we build the software based on the information that we capture in what we call the DNA of the system. This creates a new application that has been defined by the user.

We also offer a library of capability that the end user can select from, and we will continue to extend that library as we go along.

Previously, after going through a long and complex development process, you would end up with a product that took so long to hone, and had transformed so much in that time, that it probably no longer met the brief and was out of date.

Now, with DNA UI, functionality can be created very, very quickly – within 48 hours in fact. There’s no more need to spec an application, give it to the development team, then they go away for two months and test it. Instead, we’re able to take out the development and testing phases because we know it already works.

>See also: Busting the myths of agile development

Business intelligence can be injected directly into the app, allowing for a rapid innovation cycle as mature products get speedily replaced by newer technologies.

Likewise, bespoke methods can be quickly created within the application for different business purposes that others can then easily use.

The great thing is that the pages are templated, and the navigation is all set up, while sophisticated business logic is already embedded in it, allowing a specific, intuitive configuration to be instantly created. In plain English, there’s no faffing about – you have an almost out-of-the-box product within two days.

Large corporates can purchase the licence outright, then they are not tied into the kind of licensed products that are hacked to death, and they cannot unpick them. They can just start again with our product.

We are certain that our Hyper Agile methodology is redefining the limits of what can be achieved. We further believe that it represents the future of smart decision-making for companies looking to regain a crucial competitive edge over today’s inventive disruptors.


Sourced by Steven Boyle, CEO of Integrated Cloud Group.

Kayleigh Bateman

Kayleigh Bateman was the Editor of Information Age in 2018. She joined Vitesse Media from WeAreTheCIty where she was the Head of Digital Content and Business Development. During her time at WeAreTheCity...

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