

Articles on managing BYOD in the enterprise and the challenges it creates, such as security risks, data privacy concerns, and compatibility issues with corporate IT systems. Guides on how to mitigate these risks and implement BYOD policies to enforce security measures while harnessing the advantages of these technologies effectively.

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

How the iPhone kick-started the mobile malware revolution

As smartphones have evolved, mobile threats have evolved with them. Today, the total number of malicious mobile apps stands at 21,400,000.

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

5 ways mobility is impacting the workplace today


A forecast of future threats and proactive countermeasures

Communications & Networking

BYOD and 5G are changing the workplace: how businesses can keep up


Cyber risks are ‘leaving IT in the dark’

Business & Strategy

iOS 11 security risks: time to question the BYOD policy

AI & Machine Learning

The mobile workforce: the new movement


Is BYOD the biggest data blind spot?

Business & Strategy

How CIOs can achieve the collaborative workplace of the future

With numerous of collaboration technologies currently on the market, how do CIO’s navigate solutions and implement new services successfully?

Communications & Networking

Time to review the economy class Wi-Fi?

How can businesses ensure that they aren't falling behind in the connectivity race. Success in this will be crucial moving into industry 4.0

Business & Strategy

4 considerations for Windows optimisation and migration

Front of mind for any company considering the transition to Windows 10, should be optimising the end user experience right from the outset.

Communications & Networking

Unsecure Wi-Fi hotspots undermining data safety