
Data Security

AI & Machine Learning

Data security in 2027 – part 2

An assessment of the future of data security, particularly the usage of AI to develop a comprehensive, firm-wide security framework.


Half of organisations exposing customers to payment fraud – Verizon

Cloud & Edge Computing

The winding road to GDPR compliance

Cloud & Edge Computing

Everton FC tackles data security in the cloud

Premier League club Everton FC has implemented a solution to protect fans’ and players’ data in the cloud, and meet GDPR compliance standards.

AI & Machine Learning

The data security landscape of 2027 – part 1

Data Analytics & Data Science

Removing the physical risks of international data transfer

A laptop ban shouldn't be a problem for businesses today - different types of technology can trump a laptop ban.


Employees represent the ‘biggest data security risk’


Are businesses over confident in their cyber security capabilities?

Data Protection & Privacy

Enhancing data security and privacy for business


Where is the weak link in data security?


Beware of hackers: people deserve a more secure healthcare system

Data Protection & Privacy

Protecting employee data