
Flexible Working

AI & Machine Learning

Nearing reality: The connected future

Business & Strategy

5 ways technology can improve UK business productivity

Business Skills

Government response to tech skills gap: cyber security and coding

Business Skills

UK police forces double smart device numbers to drive efficient work styles

IoT and M2M

The digital office realised: what now?

This year marks the third anniversary of the ‘flexible working law’ passed by the UK government.

Business Skills

Fostering flexible work for today’s multi-generational workforce

What are the differing preferences between the multi-generational workforce: the millennials vs. the baby boomers.

Business Skills

UK lags behind global flexible working drive

Business Skills

London businesses lead the way for smarter, flexible working

Business Skills

The common organisational challenge: searching for documents

Business Skills

Flexible working is the path forward

Business Skills

82% of Brits more likely to take a job that allows flexible working

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

Why 2016 will be the year that flexible working is fully embraced