
Data Analytics & Data Science

As data becomes more intrinsically key to business success, the implementation of a coherent data strategy becomes paramount. This section explores the components of good data strategy management, covering topics such as scalability, new technology, multichannel co-ordination, avoiding the data silo problem, and developing a data driven culture within the enterprise.

Why AI is critical to seeing the real world behind financial services data

AI & Machine Learning

Cloud & Edge Computing

Overcoming the IT talent shortage to benefit from data fabric


Using graph technology to achieve cryptocurrency success

Data Analytics & Data Science

Efficient, multimodal transport requires a data management revolution

Data Analytics & Data Science

Extracting value from unstructured data with intelligent data management

Intelligent data management is needed to extract value from unstructured data – the most common form of data being generated today.

Business & Strategy

HR and data: what gets measured gets improved

Data Analytics & Data Science

Behavioural data: what it is, and why businesses should care

Data Analytics & Data Science

Mohammed Aaser appointed new CDO of Domo

Data Analytics & Data Science

Behavioural data: what it is, and why businesses should care

Data Analytics & Data Science

Mohammed Aaser appointed new CDO of Domo

Business Skills

Top 10 attributes of a true data leader

Data fuels innovation and business value in most businesses today, but what are the top 10 attributes that make a data leader succeed?


What is the role of the CDO?

As part of our focus on tech leadership, we take a look at the role of the chief data officer (CDO) in today's tech landscape.

Data Analytics & Data Science

The value of real-time and historic data in manufacturing

Data Analytics & Data Science

Miriam Murphy named new NTT Ltd. CEO for Europe