

AI & Machine Learning

Fake news detection tool being developed at University of Exeter

AI & Machine Learning

IBM Watson improves ability to understand the language of business

IBM have announced a 'major step forward' in how its AI - IBM Watson - understands human language and the language of business.

AI & Machine Learning

Successful product launch – what can this Silicon Valley AI startup do for your business?

AI & Machine Learning

10 use cases of artificial intelligence in healthcare

AI & Machine Learning

AI and understanding semantics โ€” the next stage in the evolution of NLP is close

AI & Machine Learning

Opening the door for more human-like conversations with bots

Data Analytics & Data Science

Nationwide deploys SAS analytics to improve customer experience

Automation & Robotics

Natural language processing โ€” the future of e-commerce โ€” explained

Automation & Robotics

Six surprising ways businesses are impacted by RPA, OCR and NLP

AI & Machine Learning

Chatbot solutions for AI-powered customer service

AI & Machine Learning

NLP to break down human communication: How AI platforms are using natural language processing

Many programs such as chatbots and virtual assistants are made possible through the use of natural language processing or NLP.

Software and Applications

The Turing Test 65 years on: what we’ve learnt