

UK banks in major shake up

Digital Transformation


Israel on the way to regulate ICOs


Russian hackers are holding the UK to ransom

Business & Strategy

Digitally empowered employees can help boost UK productivity

Business Skills

How many UK business can defend a cyber attack?

Business & Strategy

5 ways technology can improve UK business productivity


Facebook’s new office will create 800 jobs in the UK and spur innovation


Uber hack affects 2.7M UK customers


Facebook’s new office will create 800 jobs in the UK and spur innovation


Uber hack affects 2.7M UK customers

AI & Machine Learning

3 tech trends that will revolutionise organisations in UK in 2018

AI & Machine Learning

‘IT issues costing UK business up to £62.4BN annually’

AI & Machine Learning

UK Gov’s plan to embrace the opportunities of technological change

Digital Transformation

Is the UK falling behind European rivals in digitising services?

A European Commission study has found 3 in 5 European public services are already online, more than half (54%) of which are mobile friendly.