

Digital Transformation

Legacy IT preventing CIOs improve customer experience, finds study

IoT and M2M

A more sustainable supply chain with IoT: it’s time for IT leaders to step up

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation remains impossible without solving the WAN problem

AI & Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and the Pharma industry

Data Analytics & Data Science

Is using future data tech just a pipe-dream for charities?

Sooraj Shah asks IT leaders in the charity sector whether they can see themselves using future data technology or it out of their reach?

Business Skills

The CTO role of today will evolve into the CEO role of tomorrow

IT management

The customer is central to breaking down silos


The role of the CIO in moving from products to solutions and services

Cloud & Edge Computing

How a cloud operating model benefits employees and customers


Globant: a reinvention of the professional IT service provider


Why CIOs need to prepare for the multi-gigabit era now

Digital Transformation

Your digital ecosystem is under performing but no one can figure out why

The digital ecosystem that becomes increasingly difficult to manage and develop, says Dave Page from Actual Experience.  Senior IT professionals have to focus on the human experience, he says, otherwise it’s just guesswork and looking for a needle in a haystack.