

AI & Machine Learning

UK Gov’s plan to embrace the opportunities of technological change


Open data will provide growth opportunities for British businesses

Business Skills

Data illiteracy concerns dominate Europe

Data Analytics & Data Science

What can businesses learn from forward-looking sports clubs that use technology?


UK ranks 5th for data innovation out of EU member states

Business Continuity

NHS Digital’s new CEO to open Tech Leaders Summit as keynote

Data Analytics & Data Science

If data is the new oil, will GDPR clog the system?

Business & Strategy

How to create customer-centric data platforms

It has become pivotal for data leaders to improve their data warehouse offerings to match fluctuating customer demands.


What is data sanitisation and how can it be implemented properly?

A new data security network has today launched, with the aim of championing and promoting data sanitisation best practices.

AI & Machine Learning

Uncovering the value of telco data

AI & Machine Learning

Big data…meet big government

AI & Machine Learning

Technology: Solving the case of modern policing