

Media & Marketing

Facebook ad spend nearly doubles in Q2

The social ad spend accelerated dramatically in Q2 2017 across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Snapchat.

Tech Giants

Transparency vs. in-house measurement tools

Tech Giants

Gartner announces top 100 vendors in IT

In Gartner's top 100 survey of IT vendors, Apple secured the number one spot, followed by Samsung and Google.

Digital Transformation

Where to start your IT company?


Facebook vows to help fight extremism

Tech Giants

Trump’s rejection of Paris climate deal alienates US tech firms

Software and Applications

Cross-border payments – as easy as a Facebook like?

Communications & Networking

Connectivity trends for the intelligent fleet

Communications & Networking

Slack and Messenger: adapting to the next inbox

AI & Machine Learning

Why artificial intelligence still needs a human touch

Digital Transformation

Why going digital is the future of selling

Data Storage & Data Lakes

How to improve data centre energy sustainability?