
Immersive Technology

Documenting the AR/VR/XR revolution. As immersive technology increasingly blurs the line between physical and digitally simulated worlds, we look at how organisations are using Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)’s perceptually enriched experiences to bring a range of benefits to business and society.

Ehang Ghostdrone VR 2.0

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

Immersive Technology

How virtual reality is transforming the enterprise

Data Storage & Data Lakes

The rise and impending fall of storage area networks

Immersive Technology

Getting real visibility for monitoring virtual environments

Data Analytics & Data Science

How IT is allowing us to be better dressed than ever before

This year Fashion Week was dominated by digital technology in order to improve consumer engagement.

Business Continuity

Mixed reality: A review of Microsoft’s Hololens

Digital Transformation

Technology is revolutionising the property industry


Gartner’s top 10 IT predictions for 2017 and beyond

Digital Transformation

Technology is revolutionising the property industry


Gartner’s top 10 IT predictions for 2017 and beyond

Immersive Technology

Moving virtual reality into the mainstream

AI & Machine Learning

Rolling into the digital age: inside Rolls-Royce’s tech transformation

Consumer Electronics & Mobile

All systems GO: augmented reality in the enterprise

Immersive Technology

The evolution of virtual reality