

Emerging Technology & Innovation

How fintech and e-commerce can profit from Brexit

An essential guide on making Brexit profitable for fintech, and e-commerce professionals and organisations.

AI & Machine Learning

Tech spending expected to rise in Europe as IT budgets stabilise in 2018

Data Protection & Privacy

House of Lords set to debate data protection package

Communications & Networking

Argument brews over universal service obligation for high-speed internet


Cybercrime court to be opened in the City of London

Business Skills

Avoiding the Brexit talent crisis

Government & Public Sector

Political uncertainty exposes deep division over Brexit IT planning


Manufacturers can boost UK productivity ‘by adopting data quality standards’

Many would argue that productivity is the most important driver of the UK’s prosperity and with it, tax revenues and personal incomes.

Government & Public Sector

Assessing the impact of Brexit on businesses and their EU suppliers


Tech talent vital for the survival of the UK farming industry

Just like any other industry, the UK farming sector is becoming increasingly reliant on tech talent.


Deploy blockchain technology to achieve ‘frictionless’ EU border

Brexit has thrown up a lot of contentious issues, but border controls represent one of the more difficult problems to overcome.

Government & Public Sector

Patriot games…hurdling economic nationalism with effective modelling